Name: Katie Mildon
Home: Shakopee
Job: Surveyor & Mom
Seen: Pulling her daughters behind her bike in a pull behind and tag-a-long from Park Rapids to Dorset for lunch on the Heartland Trail.
Like about this trail: Shady, pleasant and my mom likes the birds.
Favorite Trail: Cannon Valley Trail with it’s scenery, trees and the Cannon River.
Trail Treat: The girls like graham crackers and water.
Gear: Rawleigh C40 with a Trail-A-Bike tag along and a Chariot trailer. Put skies on the trailer in the winter and pull along ski trails.
Worst Ride: When daughter threw up in the Chariot we had to clean up the mess with her clothes and put an old t-shirt on her until we got home.
With $1,000: Get some gear for long distance biking say to Wisconsin or the North Shore of Lake Superior. There a lots of great places to go around here.
Advice: Have a destination in mind, a town, event, restaurant or ice cream treat.
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