Name: Jerry Anderson
Age: 68
Seen on: Black’s Loop Ski Trail at Black’s Grove Park near Wadena which has nine kilometers of moderate classic trails through red and white pine tress.
Occupation: Retired business manager at Wadena schools.
Gear: A 40-year-old pair of Trak waxless skies.
How often: Live next to the park so I can ski every day and I also groom the trails when needed.
Favorite Trail: Here I like the Alpine Ridge Trail, overall I love the Itasca State Park trails with their white pines and variety.
Best experience: Skiing at Itasca State Park.
After skiing: For an hour or so, I like to sit down to a tall glass of water.
Advice: We have so many good trails in Minnesota, people need to get out and enjoy them.
With $1,000: I’d buy new skies.
Goals: Continue providing good skiing with our grooming and get out myself as much as possible.